13 de novembro de 2009

Bolas... Será que foi por isto?

Chama Imensa.

Liverpool, November 2009.

Bolas... Será que foi por isto que fiquei doente, há precisamente 13 dias?...

Daily meditation, 13 November 2009.

"Feeling tired depends very much on one’s inner state. Work for hours on end with love, and you won’t feel tired at all, but work for only a few minutes when you’re feeling discontented, or angry, or rebellious, everything in you will seize up, and you’ll feel exhausted.

You need to realize just how effective and powerful love is. Everything you do, endeavour to do with love, or don’t do it at all. What you do without love wears you out and undermines you, so don’t then be surprised if you lose heart. When you work without love, it’s like taking in poison. You may say there are
tasks you don’t enjoy but which you are still obliged to do out of duty. Granted, you have to do them, but find at least one reason for doing them with love.

It’s entirely up to you."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

More details - http://www.prosveta.com/thought-of-the-day.phtml?language_id=5

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